- 13WLOS: Robotic pets give Asheville veterans a source of companionship at the VA
- ABC News: Holiday gift ideas
- Aging Well: Maui, Kauai counties give out robotic pets to ease depression
- Alabama combats isolated seniors’ loneliness with robotic pets
- Argentum: Ageless Innovation Leadership Recognized as Change Agents in the Adult Care Market
- Being Patient: Robotic Pets To The Rescue? Dementia Care Gets Innovative
- BEST: 25 Best Gift Ideas for Grandpa 2019 – Grandfather Gifts He’ll Love
- Bottom Line Inc: What Will You Name Your Robot?
- CBS Philly: Robotic Pets Serving As Friends, Therapy Aids To Growing Elderly Population, Scientists Say
- City Beat: University of Cincinnati Students Enhance Robot Dogs to Help Senior Citizens
- CNBC: 7 new tech devices for elder care that help seniors live happier, healthier lives
- Companion pets available for dementia sufferers
- Companion Pets, More Win Big at Medtrade Spring
- Daily Independent/Your Valley: Boomers, seniors prefer practical Christmas gifts
- East Bay hospice care uses robotic animals to comfort lonely patients
- Fatherly: Best Robot Dogs That Bark and Play On Command
- Florida offers free robotic pets to help residents with Alzheimer’s during COVID-19
- Forbes: Stuffed Animals Aren’t Just For Children Anymore
- FOX47: Senior Community Care of Michigan PACE
- Giz Wiz Biz: For older pet lovers who aren’t to care for a real cat or dog
- Gizmodo: We Need to Talk About this Robo-Dog Companion That Jim Henson’s Creature Shop Helped Design
- Good HouseKeeping: These Realistic Robotic Pets That Help Seniors With Dementia Have Rave Reviews on Amazon
- HEALTH NOTES: ‘Robopets’ controlled by artificial intelligence can show loneliness the door
- Health System CIO: Can Consumers and Patients Be One in the Same?
- heavy.: 101 Best Gifts For Seniors: Your Ultimate List
- HomeCare Magazine: Harnessing the Power of Play
- HomeCare Magazine: Robotic Pets Shown to Have Positive Impact on Patients and Their Families
- HomeCare Magazine: Robotic Pets’ Potential to Relieve Patient Loneliness & Caregiver Stress
- In Isolating Times, Can Robo-Pets Provide Comfort?
- In Isolating Times, Can Robo-Pets Provide Comfort?
- JCAAA bringing robotic pets to isolated seniors
- Joy For All Companion Pets Help Fight Loneliness In The Elderly Population
- Lifelike robotic pets are helping isolated seniors avoid loneliness
- Morrill Memorial Library: Borrow a Karaoke Kit or a Companion Cat
- NBC Lex18: Why Robotic Pets May Be The Next Big Thing In Dementia Care
- New York Post: ‘Robocats’ are helping the elderly combat loneliness
- New York Post: Lonely seniors turn to robot dogs for companionship
- Nordstrom’s Newest Pop-Up Shop For Pets Is So Cute, We Wish It Was For Us
- Olean Times Herald: Robotic pets comfort elderly Cattaraugus County residents
- Pittsburgh City Paper: One in five Americans lives with a disability, Access+Ability features the tools they use to navigate the world
- Rhode Island Inno: ‘Tis the Season: Find the Perfect Gift at Your Favorite Rhody Startup
- Robot dogs are bringing comfort to care home residents with dementia
- Robot Dogs Can Help Seniors Cope—Especially During Covid
- Robotic Pets Keep Older Adults Company During Coronavirus Lockdown
- Robotic pets provide companionship to Minnesota seniors: ‘Kitty is there’
- Royal Examiner: The benefits of robot pet therapy
- Senior Living News: UC Team’s High-tech Pets to Help Seniors
- Sioux Falls VA Health Care System: Rufus, The Robotic Cat
- Some Florida seniors isolated with Alzheimer’s and dementia due to the pandemic are getting robotic therapy pets
- techish: WIRED WELL: New tech gadgets get senior moment and the results will make you cry (in a good way).
- TechnoBuffalo: Best Electronic Pets in 2019
- The best pets to adopt if you have allergies
- The Download: Ageless Innovation’s Joy for All Companion Pets
- The Garden City Telegram: Animated dog to assist with dementia residents
- The Giz Wiz: Pill Poppin Pod – Gadgets from Pepcom Well NOW! Event
- THE HILL: Changing America – Robocats purr their way into the hearts of the elderly
- The Union: Lorraine’s Lowdown: Give Mom the gift of time
- Therapy pets can’t help Alzheimer’s patients right now. But there’s a robotic alternative
- This 93-Year-Old Inventor’s Robotic Companion Bird Is the Only Gadget That Should Ever Be Allowed to Tweet
- Parenting Team: The Best Big Gifts for Kids
- USA TODAY: From Alexa to VR: These tech tools can make aging in place easier
- Wall Street Journal: New Hopes for Dementia Care
- Wide Open Pets: Companion Robot Pets Bring Joy and Company to Seniors
- Working Daughter: The Working Daughter Holiday Gift Guide 2019
- WTEN: Stratton VA helps veterans with robot pets