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Fatherly: Best Robot Dogs That Bark and Play On Command
So your kid is asking for a pet, right? Of course, he or she is. Get your child a robot dog instead. There’s no clean-up, and no walks during torrential downpours. But all that aside, given that they come in all shapes in sizes, what is most fascinating about robot...
Royal Examiner: The benefits of robot pet therapy
You’ve probably heard of pet therapy, a type of animal-assisted intervention used to improve a patient’s social, emotional, and cognitive functioning. It’s been shown to be particularly helpful for seniors. But what you may not realize is that using robotic cats and...
Wide Open Pets: Companion Robot Pets Bring Joy and Company to Seniors
It's Amazon Prime Day and this product which we love has a rating of almost five stars. There are over 1,100 reviews! Aging seniors that cannot care for a companion animal will love this cat companion as it's almost a real pet. It's much more than a plush toy! Pets...
Good HouseKeeping: These Realistic Robotic Pets That Help Seniors With Dementia Have Rave Reviews on Amazon
Without a doubt, the hardest thing about getting older is watching the people you love get older, too. Your aging parents or loved ones deserve to spend their remaining years with as much love and warmth as possible, especially if they are battling an illness.
HomeCare Magazine: Robotic Pets Shown to Have Positive Impact on Patients and Their Families
Pilot study finds Joy for All robotic companion pets improve interactions, behaviors and quality of life in hospice dementia patients. It has been widely reported that animal-assisted therapy can help individuals cope with stress, reduce depression, prevent loneliness...
Pittsburgh City Paper: One in five Americans lives with a disability, Access+Ability features the tools they use to navigate the world
It’s important to remember when talking about disability, that the term is much broader than we normally think. It's such a broad umbrella that encompasses things you can be born with, like autism or blindness, but also a broken leg or Alzheimer’s. In 2016, the...
New York Post: Lonely seniors turn to robot dogs for companionship
When her aunt passed away last November, Carrolyn Minggia, 64, felt isolated. The Brooklyn Heights resident had moved from Philadelphia to NYC four years prior to care for her aging relative, who suffered from cancer and dementia. After her death, Minggia, who never...
13WLOS: Robotic pets give Asheville veterans a source of companionship at the VA
ASHEVILLE, N.C. (WLOS) — Long after serving our country, too many vets fight for a sense of peace. An unusual form of pet therapy provides a source of comfort and companionship at Charles George VA Medical Center. "I'm 100 percent disabled, and I have PTSD," says...
The Garden City Telegram: Animated dog to assist with dementia residents
Residents of Parkwood Village’s Memory Care Unit in Pratt now have a dog to call their own, courtesy of the Pratt Lions Club. At a special dedication ceremony Wednesday, May 15, staff, administration (and Lions Club members) already found the animated Golden Doggie...
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Morrill Memorial Library: Borrow a Karaoke Kit or a Companion Cat
When people think of the public library, I’m fairly certain that books come to mind before all else. Of course libraries have lots of programs and events, and lend a multitude of other materials such as movies, museum passes, and even video games. Nowadays tech-savvy...
TechnoBuffalo: Best Electronic Pets in 2019
Having a living, breathing pet as a member of your family that needs food, water, and playtime can be expensive and time-consuming. Electronic pets offer all the fun and absolutely none of the commitment of a four-legged friend that needs walks regularly. We've tested...
Argentum: Ageless Innovation Leadership Recognized as Change Agents in the Adult Care Market
Pawtucket, R.I. – Ageless Innovation LLC, a global company devoted to developing fun and engaging products for older adults, proudly announces that key members of its leadership team have been recognized as visionaries in the senior living market. Ted Fischer, chief...
Being Patient: Robotic Pets To The Rescue? Dementia Care Gets Innovative
Tom Stevens pets his golden retriever Jennie. The dog squints her brown eyes. “How are you?” Tom says. Jennie barks in response. This encounter, documented on YouTube, seems typical except for one important detail: Jennie is 100-percent robotic. Her bark sounds from a...
Wall Street Journal: New Hopes for Dementia Care
A colleague called the other day, asking for help finding care for her brother, who was recently diagnosed with dementia. That’s a common enough request, but this colleague is a doctor, and she had already taken her brother to an elite academic medical center that did...
WTEN: Stratton VA helps veterans with robot pets
ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) — They are used in nursing homes across the nation, and now the Stratton VA issues them to veterans suffering from dementia. What are they? They are robot cats and dogs. Each veteran gets their own companion robot, and they get to keep them...
Sioux Falls VA Health Care System: Rufus, The Robotic Cat
Animals are often known for their therapeutic benefits, especially within the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, which promotes service and companion dogs for Veterans. However, some patients may not be able to care for an animal but still need some therapeutic...
NBC Lex18: Why Robotic Pets May Be The Next Big Thing In Dementia Care
(NBC NEWS) – Jennie has big brown eyes, soft golden fur, and a tail that won’t stop wagging. Scratch behind her floppy ears, and she’ll lean in for more. She even barks on command. But Jennie’s not a dog. She’s a prototype for Tombot, a puppy-like companion robot...
Health System CIO: Can Consumers and Patients Be One in the Same?
In a recent post by Dr. Michael Hodgkins, AMA’s CMIO, he cited the consumerization of healthcare as one of three digital health trends that are transforming patient care. Earlier this month, Health Affairs analyzed ‘the ups and downs of expecting patients to act as...
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