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Bottom Line Inc: What Will You Name Your Robot?
I plan to name my robot Jeanne Calment, after the French super-ager who lived to be 122. Jeanne will like to read British mysteries, go to the theater and eat cheesecake while standing in front of a refrigerator (the calories are less that way.) In other words, she...
Forbes: Stuffed Animals Aren’t Just For Children Anymore
I just learned there is a bell-shaped curve on the age of adoption of stuffed animals. The young have always loved them and now people on the older end of the age spectrum are adopting them as well. Many older adults continue to have cherished live pets–in a...
CBS Philly: Robotic Pets Serving As Friends, Therapy Aids To Growing Elderly Population, Scientists Say
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Robots are increasingly replicating more and more lifelike human behavior, but can they imitate animals? This is a different twist on robotic pets and scientists say they can serve as friends and therapy aids to the growing elderly population.
techish: WIRED WELL: New tech gadgets get senior moment and the results will make you cry (in a good way).
[with video] ***This story and video originally ran/aired on USA Today. It’s reposted here with permission.*** Brooklyn resident Marilyn Stone* isn’t your typical early tech adopter. She’s 95 years old, can’t see or hear very well anymore, and grew up in a time when...
USA TODAY: From Alexa to VR: These tech tools can make aging in place easier
Jennifer Jolly | Special to USA TODAY When you think of tech early adopters, this Brooklyn resident isn’t who typically comes to mind. She’s 95 years old, can’t see or hear very well anymore, and grew up in a time when the hottest new gadgets around were toaster ovens...
New York Post: ‘Robocats’ are helping the elderly combat loneliness
Here, robo kitty! When elderly clients of the Bronx-based RiverSpring Health Plans are feeling low, they might get a cat in their lap — a robotic cat that is. Susan Garelick, 66, did. After she said goodbye forever to her 14-year-old feline two years ago, she was...
Reducing loneliness and improving well-being among older adults with animatronic pets
Abstract Background Studies consistently demonstrate that older adults who are lonely have higher rates of depression and increased mortality risk. Pet ownership may be a solution for loneliness; however, challenges related to pet ownership exist for older adults....
CNBC: 7 new tech devices for elder care that help seniors live happier, healthier lives
Those ages 50 and older in the U.S. generate $7.6 trillion in economic activity, according to AARP, representing a huge financial force. That trend will grow as the number of older adults more than doubles by 2050, representing over 20% of the population.
HomeCare Magazine: Harnessing the Power of Play
Using robotic pets to relieve isolation in dementia patients by Ted Fischer As health care costs for a growing population of older adults continue to skyrocket, the opportunity to address patient needs has become saturated with expensive solutions, from...
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Good HouseKeeping: These Realistic Robotic Pets That Help Seniors With Dementia Have Rave Reviews on Amazon
Without a doubt, the hardest thing about getting older is watching the people you love get older, too. Your aging parents or loved ones deserve to spend their remaining years with as much love and warmth as possible, especially if they are battling an illness.
HomeCare Magazine: Robotic Pets Shown to Have Positive Impact on Patients and Their Families
Pilot study finds Joy for All robotic companion pets improve interactions, behaviors and quality of life in hospice dementia patients. It has been widely reported that animal-assisted therapy can help individuals cope with stress, reduce depression, prevent loneliness...
Pittsburgh City Paper: One in five Americans lives with a disability, Access+Ability features the tools they use to navigate the world
It’s important to remember when talking about disability, that the term is much broader than we normally think. It's such a broad umbrella that encompasses things you can be born with, like autism or blindness, but also a broken leg or Alzheimer’s. In 2016, the...
New York Post: Lonely seniors turn to robot dogs for companionship
When her aunt passed away last November, Carrolyn Minggia, 64, felt isolated. The Brooklyn Heights resident had moved from Philadelphia to NYC four years prior to care for her aging relative, who suffered from cancer and dementia. After her death, Minggia, who never...
13WLOS: Robotic pets give Asheville veterans a source of companionship at the VA
ASHEVILLE, N.C. (WLOS) — Long after serving our country, too many vets fight for a sense of peace. An unusual form of pet therapy provides a source of comfort and companionship at Charles George VA Medical Center. "I'm 100 percent disabled, and I have PTSD," says...
The Garden City Telegram: Animated dog to assist with dementia residents
Residents of Parkwood Village’s Memory Care Unit in Pratt now have a dog to call their own, courtesy of the Pratt Lions Club. At a special dedication ceremony Wednesday, May 15, staff, administration (and Lions Club members) already found the animated Golden Doggie...
City Beat: University of Cincinnati Students Enhance Robot Dogs to Help Senior Citizens
Older people tend to not have pets. Whether it’s too much upkeep or their living situation doesn’t allow for it, the fact remains true. According to a press release from the University of Cincinnati, Claudia Rebola, an associate professor and graduate studies...
Senior Living News: UC Team’s High-tech Pets to Help Seniors
CINCINNATI, OHIO–It’s no secret that pets bring joy to their owners’ lives. Caring for animals keeps us active, gives us purpose, provides stress relief, and builds a loving bond. Studies show pets can even increase people’s lifespans. For some older populations,...
The Union: Lorraine’s Lowdown: Give Mom the gift of time
Readers Shared their Mother’s Day traditions that include taking trips down memory lane via family photographs, gifts of plants and flowers, dining out so Mom doesn’t have to cook, and more. Seems the greatest Mother’s Day gift is the gift of time … You Can Still...
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