A Sense of Connection Means Better Care

According to the CDC, chronic loneliness takes a terrible toll on a person. Diminished mental or emotional well-being can lead to a wide array of physical health problems, and novelty effects can decrease the efficacy of many interventions over time.

In addition to negative outcomes like Alzheimer’s or dementia-related agitation and delirium, unaddressed loneliness and social isolation can increase risk factors for mortality.

Ageless Innovation’s low-cost companion pets have been shown to reduce feelings of loneliness and social isolation—and efficacy increases the longer residents have their pet.

Loneliness and social isolation have been shown to increase the likelihood of depression, stroke, heart disease, and more.

Ageless Innovation pets can address all these conditions and more, and typically become more effective over time.

These pets are an innovative, holistic treatment for loneliness and isolation, and can reduce risks of other mental, emotional, and physical illnesses—improving residents’ quality-of-life and overall health outcomes.

- Jillian Marsilio, PA-S, Samantha McKittrick, PA-S, Melissa Garner, M.O.T.S, Lisa Umbell M.O.T.S, Sharon Maiewski, PA-C, Jeanne Wenos, P.E.D Effects of a Robotic Cat on Agitation and Quality of Life in Individuals with Dementia in a Long-Term Care Facility

Ageless Innovation pets can help residents feel happier, calmer, and more connected for improved well-being, reduced agitation and delirium, and better health outcomes.

At Ageless Innovation, our goal has always been rooted in providing the most effective therapy to deliver the greatest amount of joy. Joy has the power to reduce stress, combat loneliness and isolation, while increasing cognition, capability and a sense of real purpose among older adults. And we have the data and experiences to support this—see for yourself!

Jillian Marsilio, PA-S, Samantha McKittrick, PA-S, Melissa Garner, M.O.T.S, Lisa Umbell M.O.T.S, Sharon Maiewski, PA-C, Jeanne Wenos, P.E.D

Aging and Health Technology Watch